Another terrorist mourning month, December

The anti-Cuban terrorist history in December since 1959, shows that this is not absolutely a feast month where killers meditate and do not take a rest directed by the (CIA), North American Central Intelligence Agency. According some reports from the Press Informative Centre, every year there are more cold bloody attacks, sabotages of all kind and almost 80 correspondent bandits atrocities. Methods are diverse: clandestine infiltration from mercenaries with plans of sabotage and killings putting some bombs- one of the favourite activities- intentional firings, airline kidnappings, shootings, personal attempts, maritime piracy, hand-gun assaults, among others. Those who executed all kind of crimes takes part in anti_ Cuban organisations, trained and financed directly by the CIA, or disguised entities serving the USA government. It is remarkable the tremendous sum of money, at about 10 million dollars, which has persisted during ten different administrations of different contributors to suffragette any expenditures for a dirty war against Cuba, so as keeping the mercenaries and buying consciousness able for suborn, without attaching its main object, to destabilise Cuban nation, Human lives damages and great quantities of material stuffs occasioned by the bandit actions are lamentably sorried. December is a month full of long related bandit acts. Being important to distinguish some of the acts from the 90´s decade from XX century, an example that terrorism against Cuba is active, with the presence of murders that run from justice, hosted in the South of Florida state contemplated by the White House. Luis Posada Carriles is an example, typified as a dangerous terrorist by the W. Bush own administration, who far away from extradition to Venezuela for answering certain crimes he committed - as it corresponds according to international treatments- in a show off of double moral, is kept in North American territory. Here we have examples of the disgusting and sick terrorism against Cuba last month of the year. December 26, 1990, an agriculture aeroplane AN-2, registered CUA_ 1188 ,was kidnapped in Las Tunas territory- Western of the Cuban Island- and directed to the Guantánamo base illegally taken by United States since the beginnings of the XX century. That bandit cost was about seven thousand 320 pesos. December 28, 1993, two airplanes from HAR organisation violated the air space of the island. Three terrorist from Miami infiltrated by Matanzas city December 29,1991, which had already received trainings in a camp located in 168 street, Miami, where there were also 60 more persons waiting for action. December 21, 1977, counterrevolution Omega-7 executed three more sabotage actions carrying bombs in Miami and New Jersey, USA, to damage emigrated people from the island and some Cuban agencies of travels related to commercial links with Cuba, what meant a joke to the authorities of the country who gave them refugees to terrorists. December 23, 1962, terrorists murdered a farmer and wounded his brother in Sancti-Spiritus province in Cuban centre- and also fired the town's store It still remain in the memory of the Cubans that sabotage of great proportions in La Epoca store December 31, 1960, extinguished after 22 hours, which was directed by terrorist November 30, movement occasioning 34 wounded and more than 10 thousand million pesos in material damages. This just an example of the translated evil in mourning and blood for those who do not rest the desire of disappearing the total sobering of the Cuban people, that in few days will arrive to the 49 years of conquest definitely its dignity.
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